The Virus track – ME/CFS

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Valganciclovir appears to work
1. Psychiatrist Theodore Henderson has recently treated 30 children with a diagnosis of Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). 85% felt better after 3 months and 92% after 5 months after takin the antiviral medication Valganciclovir. He has incidentally treated 200 adults and a presentation of the results will be reported shortly.

2. 52% of CFS patients with Epstein Barr Virus and/or HHV-6 was better after treatment with the drug valganciclovir.

3. 30 CFS patients with elevated IgG antibodies to HHV-6 and Epstein Barr virus were treated with the drug valganciclovir in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study lasting 6 months. The mental fatigue decreased and the cognitive ability improved.

Oxymatrine can work against RNA viruses (see the Equlibrant)
4. 52% of the 500 st CFS patients felt better by Dr. John Chias antiviral Equilibrant (containing oxymatrine). He treats enteroviruses which he demonstrated in 82% of those with CFS.

Valacyclovir may work against EBV
5. In a small study in 2002 tried to an antiviral drug valacyclovir (not valganciclovir as above), which acts against the Epstein Barr Virus on 19 st CFS patients. 16 patients got better after 6 months.

For the treatment of ME/CFS  valganciclovir (Valcyte) says to be stronger and have a broader spectrum antiviral and is generally much more efficient than other antiviral drugs. It only works against DNA viruses. There are few antiviral agents that work against RNA: Ribavirin and Oxymatrine, available in Dr. Chias Equlibrant medicine, has some activity against RNA viruses.

Valacyclovir may be helpful in comb with valganciclovir by EBV + other DNA viruses
Lerner believes that there are good opportunities to treat ME/CFS. In cases where the EBV occurs as independent viruses, he believes that the antiviral drug valacyclovir is effective. If there is simultaneous infection with CMV or HHV-6 is valacyclovir combined with valganciclovir preferable.

Mats Lindström

Om Mats Lindström

Jag heter Mats Lindström och min fru är svårt sjuk i ME/CFS sedan 2008. Jag lägger ner en stor tid av min fritid på att försöka finna bra symtomlindring och helst botemedel mot sjukdomen. Det viktigaste i det arbetet tror jag är att synliggöra sjukdomens allvarlighet, att få politiker, forskning och sjukvård, men även allmänheten att förstå vikten av att hjälpa denna patientgrupp som lider oerhört - både av sjukdomen och samhällets okunskap. Min förhoppning är att en biomedicinsk forskning värt namnet kommer igång i Sverige. Jag driver några egna Facebook-grupper där den största heter Databas ME/CFS. Medlemmarna består av både ME/CFS-sjuka och anhöriga från bl a Sverige och Norge.

En kommentar

  1. Jim

    Good information. Keep them coming.

    Sent from my iPhoneJim O.


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